Em boa companhia…

por Eduardo Godoi

Em seu livro de memórias intitulado TAEKWON-DO AND I, o General Choi, Hong Hi sugere que, ao se fundar uma associação ou federação de Taekwon-Do, sejam convidados para ocupar o cargo de Presidente Honorário ou mesmo, em alguns casos, para participar ativamente do director board,  pessoas com bastante influência, do ponto de vista político e financeiro,  na comunidade onde a nova instituição pretende atuar, mesmo que estes “homens influentes” não tenham nenhum compromisso com as técnicas do Taekown-Do. Talvez o General Choi compreendesse que a titulação de um praticante (o seu “Dan”) não lhe certifica habilidades gerenciais e sim a sua competência técnica enquanto artista marcial. Talvez o General Choi apenas admitisse a necessidade de mecenatos. Um caso particular merece destaque e deixo para os Leitores os julgamentos possíveis das linhas que extrai das páginas 317 e 318 do volume 2 da obra TAEKWON-DO AND I.

“You never know what you are going to be. That was true of the live of Hyung-Wook Kim.

Hyung-Wook Kim, ex-Diretor da Korean CIA

Being the director of the KCIA, he served as the loyal dog of Jung-Hee Park, killing many learned men and patriots by spinning various schemes such as in the case of the Korean-Germans in East Berlin. He also collected illicit money and was known to have smuggled over 40 million dollars out of Korea. After he resigned he secretly took refuge in the U.S. Then he started to reveal the misconduct of Jung-Hee Park from 1977, breaking his long silence. Perhaps that was because he foresaw the collapse of Park´s regime, or he repented his sinful life, or for the money.


When I first noticed that he had made a statement against Jung-Hee Park, I wanted to persuade him to join in our Korean unification movement. So I rounded up Korean instructors who were on the ITF staff and got their understanding that if Hyung-Wook Kim donated some money to manage the activities of the ITF, we could move him into the office as one of the ITF vice-presidents, knowing that we could provide a body-guard if he needed one. With brother Duk-Shin Choi, who was the ITF permanent adviser, I agreed that we would persuade him to join the democratization movement for Korea, remembering the case of the Ho brothers in China.

The Ho brothers became multi-millionaires through conterfeinting. Perhaps they expected to live forever. But when they got old, and feeling their deaths impending, they donated all the money to public works to make recompense for their crimes in repentance. So this resulted in the development of the famous Tiger Balm Garden in Hong-Kong and Singapore. The park has two themes, that is, as the land of happiness, the Buddhist Heaven, and the Ten Courts of Hell.”

Em seus livros, o General Choi definiu um dos princípios do Taekown-Do – a Integridade – como sendo a capacidade de distinguirmos, cotidianamente, o bem do mal. Prezados Leitores, poderia eu usar, em minhas aulas, esta passagem como um exemplo de Integridade?

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Por favor, leiam, também, o artigo “Taekwon-Do: separando o joio do trigo“, onde discuto a importância de “passarmos a limpo” a história do Taekown-Do ITF e do Taekwondo WTF.  E, sobre o chamado “Incidente em Berlim Oriental”, leiam o artigo “Pioneiros do Taekwon-Do ITF / Taekwondo WTF no Brasil“.

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Bons dias !!!

Boosabum Eduardo Godoi (3o. Dan)

Ch’ang Hon Ryu Taekwon-Do Brasil
Academia Shaolin – Louveira – SP
Rua Armando Steck, 294 – sala 2 – Centro

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